How many times have you started an exercise routine only to give up a few days or week later? Staying motivated is often the problem. If you've exercised once, you can do it again: it's just a matter of changing your perspective. Here are some ways to reframe exercise so you'll stay the course.

1. Go Easy on Yourself

When was the last time you gave yourself some credit? We tend to be our worst critics especially when the going gets tough. Instead of setting the bar too high only to miss the mark, be realistic with your expectations. For example, start off by exercising for 20 minutes a day and congratulate yourself for making an effort. The most important part of exercise is showing up regularly so cut yourself some slack in other areas.

2. Do What You Like

Have you ever tried to force yourself into liking something? It rarely goes according to plan. Instead, try to find an exercise that's more your style. We don't all have to love running--Usain Bolt has got that covered. Have you ever tried Pilates, CrossFit or TT30? What about a HIIT or spin class? The list goes on. Make fun fitness your goal to forget about the days of waning motivation.

3. Celebrate Little Victories

One of the things that makes exercise infinitely better is patting yourself on the back. We tend to get so focused on what we're doing wrong that we overlook everything else. Do yourself a favor by creating victory opportunities for yourself. Did you exercise five days in a row this week? How about run further than you did a few days ago? Remember to celebrate it! Putting a positive spin on exercise helps boost your mood and motivation.

4. Exercise Early

If you spend the entire day agonizing about your workout, it may be time for a scheduling hack. Getting your workout out of the way first thing in the morning means you'll steer clear of any anticipatory anxiety. It's true that misery loves company but you can turn down the invite. Besides, you'll have more energy early in the day and feel ready to tackle the world after a good workout. What are you waiting for?

5. Find Your Team

Have you ever told a friend or family member about a new goal only to be met with sarcasm? They may not mean it but negative comments can let you down. Instead, find people who support you and understand your fitness goals. Talk to them about your highs and lows so they can cheer you on from the sidelines. Better yet, ask around to see if you can find an exercise buddy. Surrounding yourself with like-minded people will help keep you up and running literally.

Final Thoughts

Staying on top of your fitness routine is often a matter of motivation. Your body is more than capable of exercise so all you really need is a little mental mojo. Are you ready to put your skills to the test? Give these tips a whirl and see where they take you.